Hakomi with Internal Family Systems

Karin is a graduate of the Seattle Hakomi Education Network and is certified as a Hakomi Therapist. Hakomi is a psycho-somatic, mindfulness-based, client-led, assisted self-discovery modality of healing originated by Ron Kurtz and taught around the world. Senior Seattle Trainers J. David Cole and Carol Ladas-Gaskin, authors of Hakomi with Internal Family Systems and Focusing: A Deeper Look at Mindfulness-Centered Therapies, developed a unique Hakomi training program that includes Internal Family Systems a “transformative tool that conceives of every human being as a system of protective and wounded inner parts led by a core Self.”

Core principals of Hakomi:

Loving Presence



Mind-body Holism


The Hakomi Method is particularly useful for individuals dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, physical pain and relationship issues. By incorporating whole-bodied mindfulness, clients can become more aware of their thought patterns, emotions, and bodily sensations as a pathway toward self-discovery. Together we pay very close attention to nonverbal behaviors, such as tone of voice, movements, gestures, posture, facial expressions and micro-expressions. By observing these, we get ideas about what unconscious material is controlling automatic, unconscious behaviors and can begin gentle steps toward transformation and healing.

A Hakomi Session is 60 minutes.

In-person and Online
