Point of Departure
Point of Departure
Performances May 4-5, 2012, Velocity Dance Center, Seattle
Choreography by Karin Stevens
Visual Images, Props, Music by Craig van den Bosch
"This is an extremely beautiful piece. Craig van den Bosch’s visual imagery is stunning and his accompanying score has incredible subtlety and effectiveness as accompaniment and as music on its own. Some have called architecture “frozen music.” Here, in Ms. Stevens’ choreography, the goal is to free the music from its frozen form and give it shape. It is a brilliant piece and completely refreshing in the sometimes sterile world of Seattle dance. If I had any complaint it would be that any given section could be twice its length. The density of the piece is extraordinary and it surely requires and rewards repeated viewings."
- Omar Willey, Seattle Star
(Read the full review HERE)
Photo: Tim Summers